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Best Weight Lifting Leg Exercises

Leg exercises tips and techniques:

SQUAT- Position the bar so it is sitting behind the neck on your traps, with your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly lower your butt to the floor keeping your back straight. Lower the bar until your thighs are a little past parallel to the floor, stop and push your legs up not locking them out when the squat is completed. It is very important to keep your back straight and use proper technique to avoid injury.There are many variations of the squat, but the same technique of keeping your back straight is always used.

LUNGE- With a dumbbell in both hands or a barbell behind your neck resting on your traps and standing erect, lunge forward with one leg. When the thigh of the leg you lunged with is about parallel with the floor stop and return to the starting position. Then take the other leg and do the same thing, rotating each leg as you go. Make sure when your thigh is parallel to the floor that it is forming a 90 degree angle with the lower part of your leg.

LEG EXTENSION- Sitting down at the leg extension machine, extend your legs out until they are almost locked, return and repeat.You can vary this exercise by pointing your toes in or out to work different parts of the quad.

LEG CURL- On you stomach at the leg curl machine, curl your legs up as far as they can go and return to starting position and repeat.

LEG PRESS- Sitting in the leg press machine, push your legs out not locking them all the way, return to the starting position and repeat.

Always stretch out before doing leg exercises and use proper technique to avoid injury.

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